This is a simple english representation of the mumbai university ATKT rules.
- You cannot pass an year with more that 8 kts out of which only 5 should be endsem kts and 3 should be internal kts. for example if you get 4 internal kts and 4 endsem kts you are considered eligible for next year however if you get 7 endsem kts and no external kts you are not eligible for admission to next year.
- Practicals, vivas and term test(cbgs) kts are considered as internal kts.
- Also you cannot take any first year kt to third year and second year kt to fourth year.
- There is no N-ATKT rule in university of mumbai and chances of implementation of the same are very low.
Please feel free to ask questions in the comments.
what is endsem mentioned here?